The easiest way to listen to your free trainings is to set up your feed. The audio programs will then play one after the other – and make a lot more sense and have more impact on your riding.
- Copy and paste the following link:-
- Copy this link (as in ‘copy and paste’)
From here, it depends on what type of phone you are using…
Apple iPhone – Podcast App
- 1. Open the Podcast App on your phone
- 2. Select the ‘Library’ from the menu along the bottom of the screen
- 3. Click the ‘Edit’ on the top right corner of your screen
- 4. Select the “Add a Podcast by URL…” option
- 5. Paste the link into the provided space
- 6. Click “Subscribe”
If you are not an iPhone or Apple user
- 1. You will have to download one of the apps available for listening to podcasts
- 2. When you have decided on one, download it
- 3. Paste the link into the area where you can add a podcast or RSS feed
*** The programs begin with Half Halt 01 – regardless of what date you begin listening – and run to Half Halt 04 ***
However, when you subscribe to the ‘Feed’ initially, the Half Halt Training episodes will show up as Half Halt 01 being the ‘oldest’ and Half Halt 04 being the ‘newest’.
Most apps will automatically download the ‘newest’ – Half Halt 04 – which won’t make much sense…
To change this and have things play as you want – with Half Halt 01 playing first – there are a few changes you will have to make:-
- Click on the ‘Settings Cog’
- Choose to put ‘Oldest on Top’ in the Sort Order section
- Choose ‘Oldest to Newest’ in the Play section
Once you have this done, click on the ‘Feed’ option and there you will see all the trainings.
Changing those setting will ensure you play Half Halt 01 first – and, hopefully, you will be away on a hack ;)
I hope this makes sense and helps!
Happy Riding!
If you find that you are still struggling after a few tries, you can email Dion below. Please understand that this is a free service, so it may take a few days for him to get back to you… (but hopefully not!)
[contact-form to=’[email protected]’ subject=’Problems setting up 30 Day Rider Fitness Challenge Free Feed’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]